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giovedì 31 maggio 2012

Surplus [Terrorized Into Being Consumers] 1di6

Tempo fa, anni fa, una persona competente, mi disse che, non avevo neanche l'idea di quanto danaro mi scorresse sopra alla testa, intere autostrade a sei corsie piene zeppe di danaro ... " VIRTUALE ".
Mi spiegò che ... bastava ungere il giusto e ... magicamente!  Le tue richieste venivano esaudite, tu tiravi fuori " SOLDI VERI "
e ...
Continua su ...  http://romybeat.jimdo.com/2012/05/23/la-crisi-ciclica/

Some time ago, years ago, a competent person, he told me that, i had not even the idea of how much money i ran over the head, whole six-lane motorways packed with money ... "VIRTUAL".
Let me explain that ... just anoint the right and ... magically! Your requests were answered, you are billed as soon " REAL MONEY " and ...
Continues on ...  http://romybeat.jimdo.com/2012/05/23/the-cyclical-crisis/

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